Coping With Life’s Anxieties – Book Review

Do you ever wonder why things happen, how things keep happening and how life, however short, is never enough? Do you leave in your wake a stream on unfinished projects, friendships broken and enthusiasms disappearing?

Hopefully this book and these words may help you move forward, or stand still depending on your plans for the rest of your life. Even by standing still you are moving forward, just the recognition that you don’t want to do something is a forward step. Staying the same takes more effort than changing in some cases. Doing what people expect takes less effort than doing what you want to do – they are rarely the same.

I am never going to suggest that anyone follows the paths I have taken, no, there’s much better ways of dealing with everyday everything, or maybe there isn’t – have I done everything I’ve ever done right? Of course not…have I learnt more from doing things wrong more often than when I’ve done them right? Yep, that’s the answer! So it’s a question of looking, learning and listening to every success and every failure you may have, at the same time it might be worth thinking about how we measure success, what do we see as being an achievement.

Using a small steps approach to things means you can often pat yourself on the back, encourage yourself and feel good about what you have done, lots of people won’t have done the same as you, lots of people for example struggle to get up in the morning, getting up, showered, ready for work etc is a success in itself, whereas others don’t see that as an achievement as that is something they find easy. Only us as individuals can know what we’ve struggled to do, and while it may be hard to accept it, our peer group have different difficulties…

You can buy the full book here for £1.99. All proceeds go to No Panic.

You can also follow and subscribe to the author on YouTube, where he shares more about his life experiences.

How can No Panic help?
No Panic specialises in self-help recovery and our services include:
Providing people with the skills they need to manage their condition and work towards recovery.
Our aim is to give you all of the necessary advice, tools and support that you will need to recover and carry out this journey. No Panic Recovery Programs

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