Send Messages of Positivity

We all love to know that someone is thinking of us. That is the reason why your happy words or positive vibes could touch others deeply making all the difference to how they feel. So whether it’s someone in the family, a friend or even a colleague from work, taking a bit of time to put pen to paper in a letter or tap on those keys for an email will send happy vibes out and let that someone know you care. Make sure your words are uplifting and kind and they will surely bring a smile to the recipient’s face. You could add phrases such as:

  • “Thinking of you makes me smile”
  • “I thought of you today and just wanted to check-in”
  • “Do you remember the fun we had when we ………?”
  • “We may be far apart but you are here in my heart”
  • “I am lucky to have you as a friend/in my life”

As always, when you spread a bit of happiness, it is not just wonderful for the person on the receiving end but the giver will benefit too as making others feel good helps us to have more positive relationships with friends, family, and even those we work with. Being kind will boost your self-esteem and reduce stress.

  • So send a letter/email today and let people know that you are thinking of them.

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