Children and Young People’s Mental Health Green Paper

The government has announced a new green paper that proposes to help young people in schools before they get worse. This comes at the same time they release the statistic that one in ten girls ages 16 or 17 were referred for specialist mental health services in england last year. Below are the main points of the green paper.

The government’s new green paper proposes:

  • training for senior designated mental health leads in schools to improve prevention work
  • earlier access to services through the creation of new mental health support teams working in and directly with schools
  • a new four-week waiting time for NHS children and young people’s mental health services
  • every primary and secondary school in England to be offered mental health awareness training
  • all pupils to be taught about mental health and wellbeing as part of improved relationships education and PSHE [personal, social, health and economic] lessons

If these proposals pass and are worked on this would be a great help to people that suffer. This would help not only the students but the knowledge that the teachers gain should help them to manage their own problems as well. This is what No Panic have been working towards with it’s school workshop programme as a part of our youth project. Teaching not only the students but the teachers as well about the ways to manage mental ill health and anxiety in particular. This kind of global effort in schools would make for happier, healthier and more adaptable people in society as a whole.

If you are connected with a school or organisation that helps sufferers and you want to get a head start on all of this then please get into contact with our office on 01952 680460 or and our ambassador Mark will be happy to discuss your needs and requirements.

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