World Mental Health Day

It is World Mental Health Day on the 10th of October, but if we can all try to make October a month of self-awareness regarding mental health and anxiety it is a start!

Try to tell one person, your family or a friend, of how you are feeling and how anxiety affects you, it will helps others understand.

Sometimes this is hard to confide in anyone because we may feel they won’t understand, but if we don’t give people the chance anxiety will still be as subject that isn’t discussed.

We don’t chose to have anxiety and remember even if you believe you are not coping you are. You are coping every day the best way you can. Anxiety sufferers are strong and have a lot of courage.

If you can’t talk to someone, pick up the phone and talk to one of our helpliners on 0844 967 4848 or better still put your name down for a Recovery Group where you will be able to talk to other people with similar anxiety problems to you. If you can’t do a group, try the one to one Mentor Service.

Make October a better month where you look after yourself and try to help other people to understand. Anyone can have anxiety and if people are more aware then they too can get the help they need.

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