Social Anxiety Disorder in Education

By Conner Keys, Content Team Academic

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a fairly common anxiety disorder that is characterised by feelings of intense anxiety and fear. The NHS describes it as ‘a long-term and overwhelming fear of social situations’ (NHS, 2023). Research has shown that SAD has a lifetime prevalence of 12.1% (Kessler, et al., 2005).


There is no one cause of social anxiety. It is a very personal disorder, and various factors can contribute to its development. Such factors may include:

  • Emotional, physical, or other kinds of abuse,
  • Genetics,
  • Hormones,
  • Negative interactions with peers and/or family,
  • Social demands,
  • Trauma.

Due to these potential causes, social anxiety can be a symptom of other psychological disorders, e.g., PTSD, major depression, and agoraphobia.

Typically, SAD develops in childhood and teenage years. Research found that among those seeking treatment, ‘the median age of onset is in the early to mid-teens’ (National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, 2013). However, this isn’t to say that SAD can’t still emerge later in life.


Although people with this disorder describe physical symptoms such as nausea/vomiting, dizziness, and trouble breathing, alongside the more well-known emotional symptoms, the disorder is often dismissed as mere ‘shyness’. This, however, is clearly not the case: SAD can be extremely distressing. One individual admitted that ‘the thought of leaving the house most days fills me with dread and nausea’, (Taryn, 2023). Due to such symptoms, Social Anxiety Disorder can make daily tasks seem impossible and inconceivable, for example, going to the shops. This is a task many of us don’t think too much about, however, someone with SAD may not be able to complete this action, as they fear things such as how other shoppers may perceive them, and having to talk to the cashier. Additionally, it is likely for them to be consumed by thoughts including, ‘what if I say the wrong thing?’, or ‘what if I am judged for what I’m buying?’, which stops them from going.

Going to the shops isn’t the only thing that Social Anxiety Disorder can inhibit. A major problem with SAD in younger people is that it greatly affects their education, whether it’s that they just don’t attend, or attend but can’t concentrate enough to study, or any other way an individual might feel isolated in an educational setting. Van Ameringen, et al., (2003) found evidence that ‘young people with anxiety disorders, and perhaps especially social phobia, are at great risk for leaving school prematurely’. Further evidence of SAD affecting education is displayed in a study titled: ‘Much more than just shyness: the impact of social anxiety disorder on educational performance across the lifespan’. This study followed a cohort of individuals born in Sweden between 1st January 1973 and 31st December 1977, up until 31st December 2013. The observation found that ‘individuals with a diagnosis of SAD were significantly less likely to pass all subjects in the last year of compulsory education’, more specifically these individuals had ‘67%, 56% and 67% lower odds of passing the core subjects (Swedish, English, and mathematics, respectively)’, (Vilaplana-Pérez, et al., 2020). Furthermore, the observational study showed the greatest impairment on education level was finishing upper secondary school, with individuals with SAD having ‘81% lower odds of achieving this milestone’ (Vilaplana-Pérez, et al., 2020).

However, it is not just in an academic sense that SAD affects education. In 2012, a study on the impact of social anxiety on student learning and well-being was conducted. Across 2 universities, 787 students completed an online survey related to three areas that are often used to assess social anxiety: performance fears, social interaction, and avoidance behaviour (Russell & Topham, 2012). The findings showed that ‘students believed their learning and performance in the classroom was affected by associated thought-blocking, excessive self-focused attention, and physical effects such as blushing and stammering’ (Russell & Topham, 2012). Alongside academic impact, SAD can affect education through social aspects. For example, one person has written: ‘The strain of all this [difficulty socialising with flatmates] had an effect on my university work. I become more and more stressed and found it increasingly hard to concentrate.’ (Max, 2015).

The question is, what can we do to help?



One main clinical treatment method for SAD is Psychotherapy.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is thought to be the most effective psychotherapy for anxiety disorders. CBT is a type of talking therapy that helps you manage your problems by focussing on how your ‘thoughts, beliefs and attitudes affect your feelings and actions.’ (Mind, 2024). Essentially, CBT aims to change the way you think and behave.

Within Education:

This article has been about SAD in relation to education, so what can we do within education to help?

One of the main things we can do is promote early detection. If we can detect social anxiety in its early stages, we may be able to better help someone through their struggles and educational journey to ‘beat’ the statistics. The best way of doing this is to educate school staff members, and even peers, on how to recognise Social Anxiety Disorder, so that when they come across it, or feel they themselves are struggling with it, they will be able to help.

Another step to take is to facilitate referrals to appropriate and helpful mental health services. Although a lot of schools provide spaces where students can express their concerns and emotions, it is important that those struggling with SAD (and any other mental health condition) to be granted access to services that specialise in mental health conditions. For example, school staff could assist with booking GP appointments, and give any information they feel will help the GP understand what the individual is going through.

The most important thing to remember, if you’re grappling with SAD, is that it can get better. With the right help you can achieve what sometimes feels impossible, even if that’s something as simple as getting out of bed in the morning.


Higuera, V. & Caplan, E., 2022. Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment Options. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 21 October 2024].

Kessler, R. et al., 2005. Lifetime prevalence and age-of-onset distributions’ of DSM-IV disorders in the national comorbidity survey replication. Archives of general psychiatry, June, 62(6), pp. 593-602.

Max, 2015. Confronting my social anxiety at university. [Online]
Available at:

Mind, 2024. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 21 October 2024].

National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, 2013. Social Anxiety Disorder. In: Social Anxiety DIsorder: Recognition, Assessment and Treatment. s.l.:The British Psychological society; The Royal College of Psychiatrists, pp. 15-27.

NHS, 2023. Social anxiety (social phobia). [Online]
Available at:

Russell, G. & Topham, P., 2012. The impact of social anxiety on student learning and well-being in higher education. Journal of Mental Health, 21(4), pp. 375-385.

Taryn, 2023. What social anxiety feels like for me. [Online]
Available at:

Van Ameringen, M., Mancini, C. & Farvolden, P., 2003. The impact of anxiety disorders on educational achievement. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 17(5), pp. 561-571.

Vilaplana-Pérez, A. et al., 2020. Much more than just shyness: the impact of social anxiety disorder on educational performance across the lifespan. Psychological Medicine, 51(5), pp. 861-869.

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