Comments on: Tranquilliser Withdrawal Sat, 04 May 2024 20:43:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Julie Wed, 22 Apr 2015 19:30:44 +0000 I had been on anti-depressants for almost twenty years and at the age of 62 finally had the courage to come off them. I spoke to a doctor who told me it would be “like coming off heroin” and it was. It took me 18 months and I received no support from my medical centre. I honestly don’t know how I did it. There are plusses and minuses now for me. (I am now 67). I started with a hacking cough, breathlessness and palpitations and one of the doctors actually said that she didn’t know what to do with me. I asked to pay privately to see some-one because I didn’t know what was happening to me and she said she didn’t know of anyone. I didn’t bother going back for a good twelve months and just put up with things. Then I got an appointment last June with another doctor who was more helpful and he referred me for talking therapies. This didn’t transpire and last Oct I was so distressed I was suicidal. He said he wanted to see me every two weeks but since January I have not been able to get an appointment and each time I try, and fail I feel more defeated. I finally got placed on a seven week Anxiety Management program which confuses me some weeks so I don’t know now, how beneficial it will be. I would say to anyone who is thinking of coming off their medication to be extremely careful unless you have a good supportive relationship with a particular doctor. I also think it is worth adding, that I come from a generation who is not used to “negotiating” with a doctor and can feel uncomfortable doing so.
